


New HTML for the Blog.

 Howie here. We added some new HTML (that's website coding they tell me) to the blog this week. Hope you like the changes you see. Seems that visitors to the website can now see the stuff, I've been sharing. More to come, we hope.

Another Pete Blogpost --this one on Budd Hopkins and UFO abductions

 Howie here. Pete wants the world to know that he has written another blog post.  You can check it out here:

Peter Huston's latest fan mail

 Greetings, Howie is letting me post directly here, so it's me, Peter Huston. (Thank goodness. Is it just me or has he been getting a bit snooty, yet whiny, and ultimately judgemental lately?) Therefore I am going to interrupt my viewing of old episodes of a television show called "Son of Zorn" (what a treasure!) to share my latest accomplishments and fan mail.  First, my latest publication, a book review of something called "A Lot of People are Saying --The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy," by Russell Muirhead and Nancy L Rosenblum. It appeared in Vol. 5, No. 4 (latest issue) of The Skeptical Inquirer. The book is heavy reading but quite interesting and covers important stuff. You can find my review here although it is hidden behind a paywall : Full details on the book: [A Lot of People are Saying -The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy. By Russell Muirhead and Nancy L Ros

Pete's famed Betty Hill interview

So . . , Howie here.  Pete Huston is doing his nostalgia thing again. "Back in the day  . . ." blah, blah, blah.         "When I was a well known skeptic . . . " blah blah blah                "And worked hard to get to the truth of several UFO and paranormal claims . . . " blah blah blah  Peter Huston's Full Transcript of the Betty Hill, world's most famous UFO abductee, Interview  

What's new here?

Greetings,  Howie here. It's been a bit but here's what's going on at the Hamchuck Writers Collective. I've been out trying to recruit new writers, but for the moment, we're still stuck with Pete. Yeah, Peter Huston, but at least he's published.  And he's been quite busy working on projects, a little too busy to remember to share things on the blog.  These are, in no particular order,  A piece on the underlying ideas and proto-scientific concepts in traditional Chinese teachings such as medicine, feng shui, and astrology. It's coming but coming slowly.  A piece discussing the issue of whether or not Traditional Chinese Medicine is pseudo-scientific or not, and how could something that predates tradtional Chinese medicine be pseudoscientific anyway.  A piece on the reliability of UFO witnesses. For this one he dug out the transcript of his interview with Betty Hill, the one he did in 1998 while on assignment for Hustler magazine. (Yes, Pete once wrote a p