What's new here?


Howie here. It's been a bit but here's what's going on at the Hamchuck Writers Collective. I've been out trying to recruit new writers, but for the moment, we're still stuck with Pete. Yeah, Peter Huston, but at least he's published. 

And he's been quite busy working on projects, a little too busy to remember to share things on the blog. 

These are, in no particular order, 

  • A piece on the underlying ideas and proto-scientific concepts in traditional Chinese teachings such as medicine, feng shui, and astrology. It's coming but coming slowly. 
  • A piece discussing the issue of whether or not Traditional Chinese Medicine is pseudo-scientific or not, and how could something that predates tradtional Chinese medicine be pseudoscientific anyway. 
  • A piece on the reliability of UFO witnesses. For this one he dug out the transcript of his interview with Betty Hill, the one he did in 1998 while on assignment for Hustler magazine. (Yes, Pete once wrote a piece that was published in Hustler magazine. He described the whole experience in his book "More Scams from the Great Beyond.") 
  • Finally, he's been playing with a piece of pulp, science fiction adventure fiction called, for the moment, "Among the Post-Holocaust Subway Cannibals." 
We'll see what comes out of them. He also had a review of "Republic of Lies, Americans Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power," by Anne Meridan (2019, Metropolitan Paperbacks, New York) published in the latest issue of the Skeptical Inquirer. (Vol. 45, No. 3). He recommends the book, by the way. 

The experiment to write op-ed pages for the Daily Gazette in Schenectady came to an end. The editorial staff at the paper seems simply too overstretched to handle guest columnists and an active op-ed pages like they used to have, it seems. A shame. Pete wishes them well. 



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