April 28, 2021 --News about Peter Huston's latest upcoming publication

 Howie here. 

Pete just called, yeah, Peter Huston, our lead author of the moment here at the Hamchuck Writers Collective. As you may recall, I, Howie Tortellini, recently got access to the Tortellini Family Trust Fund which was established when my great-grandad Luigi "Rutherford" Capobianco Tortellini sold the patent for the first ever, self-cleaning, self-mobile, autonomous, steam powered waffle iron to the Schenectady General Electric (Zip-code 12345 represent!) back in 1932 and have used my new found wealth to buy an only slightly flood damaged house here in the Stockade and created a brand new writers collective. While we've only got one author right now, we do hope to get more soon, but for the moment it's just Pete, so we've got to be nice to the one we've got. 

So Pete called. Yeah, he talked a lot. He does love to talk on the phone, and it's gotten worse with this pandemic. Usual Pete-shit. Something about Chloe Zhao winning the Oscars and the Chinese government censoring news of it in China because she said living in China while growing up was living in a place full of lies, something like that. Anyway, Pete said he thought that meant the Chinese government was just proving her point when they tried to hide the news of her Oscar win from the world, weren't they? And he said they did it as best they could in Hong Kong too which is unprecedented. Like he expected me to care. He's been to Hong Kong several times, not me. I never even saw a Chloe Zhao movie, and the funny thing is I bet Pete never did either. Not like she's Roger Corman or Russ Meyers or some other true classic film maker, is it? Chinese lady film people can be cool. I mean there's Michelle Yeoh, Maggie Q, Cynthia Rothrock, Moon Lee, and a whole host of others, but now he's talking about someone named Chloe Zhao. Never heard of her. And I probably never would have either if the Chinese government hadn't tried to hide her from me. Oh, well, that's what censorship does most of the time. (Speaking of lady film makers, good ones, Mae West said "I believe in censorship. After all, I made a fortune out of it." You'd think with all those centuries of lived experience, the Chinese government would know better.)

Well anyway, Pete wanted you all to know that he has a new book review published in the upcoming issue of the Skeptical Inquirer. What's The Skeptical Inquirer? More "Pete-shit," I think. It seems to be a magazine where each and every issue they take a bunch of dumb ideas and explain exactly why they are really and truly dumb. Pete likes that kind of stuff. Anyway, you can check it out here. 

He's got a book review in the upcoming issue, Vol . 45, No. 3, so it's not even there yet, but if you poke around in their archives you can find more things he wrote too. Read 'em if you want. Meanwhile, I hope to recruit more and better writers to come here and hang out with us at the Hamchuck Writers Collective. Keep visiting back and see what happens next. 

 The Skeptical Inquirer


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